Catalogue of postage stamps USSR 1966 -1991 (part 2nd), Zagorski (Standard Collection)

Date of issue: 06 Nov., 2014

The catalog contains a detailed description and evaluation of the stamps of the USSR (1966-1991) with illustrations.
In compiling the catalog used official documents and materials of the Central Museum of Communications, fund of storage of special materials  Goznaka, domestic and foreign philatelic literature, catalogs of some auctions.

In the given catalog use the experience of the previous editions, and also:


  • Changed the stamps prices.
  • Given the variety of stamps  according to paper type.
  • Verified alphabetic numbering of stamps.
  • Offered quality categories (I - IV) and table of stamps rating.

Prices of stamps are given in rubles.

Soft cover, 3048 pages.
Format 147 x 215 mm

St # SCRU1966-1991/2014

29.90 €

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