PETERSTAMPS all time philately
We are always ready to offer large assortment of collection materials, literature and accessories in our webshops and international chain stores.
Friendly team of professionals serves thousands of collectors around the world since 1990.
Collectors and dealers are welcome!


| Philatelic Service since 1990
Shops for collectors:
in Finland: Jyväskylä (capital of Central Finland), Hakatie 7 open: BY CONSENT on weekdays
in Estonia: Tallinn, Soo 46
tel: +358 451802820
Post address: Hakatie 7 B 12, 40900, Säynätsalo, Finland
And, of course, we are always happy to see you at our booth at major international exhibitions around the world, in which we regularly participate!
Peterstamps - trade mark of "Stammi ltd"
VAT reg FI3349840-7 Finland, EU