Russia. Heroes
10 Nov., 2015, press release

On November 10, 2015 Post of Russia will issue four stamps dedicated to law enforcement officers who have received a high rank while on duty in the "Heroes of the Russian Federation" series. The stamps illustrate portraits of the heroes of the Russian Federation and the medal "Golden Star" with a composition that reflects the type of activity of each person on the background.
Hero of the Russian Federation is the highest title given for services for the state and people, associated with the commission of a heroic feat. Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded with a special medal "Golden Star".
Vitaliy Maiboroda (1981-2013) was Russian FSB Colonel. He was awarded with the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (after death) for bravery and heroism in the performance of special operations. He was repeatedly sent to the North Caucasus, where he took part in the fights against gangs and terrorist groups. On March 20th, 2013 during a regular special operation V. Maiboroda covered an enemy grenade and saved the lives of his comrades.
Vladimir Maksimchuk (1947-1994) was a Head of tactical Section of USSR Main Fire Service Department, Major general of Internal Service. He was awarded with the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for courage and heroism during the special operation of elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Vladimir Maksimchuk spent in the area of high radiation more than 12 hours, personally supervising the work of all the groups. He received an ultra-high, lethal dose of radiation.
Valery Tinkov (1957-1995) was a Head of the Training Center of the Moscow region police department, police major. He was awarded with the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for showing courage and devotion during the performance of special operation. In April 1995, he voluntarily went to Chechnya to participate in the restoration of constitutional order. On May 1, 1995 Tinkov’s group was attacked from ambush. V. Tinkoff organized the defense and reflected the attack. He was fatally wounded in the head by a sniper.
Sergey Solnechnikov (1980-2012) was a commander of communications battalion, Major. He was awarded with the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for heroism, courage and selflessness shown during the performance of military duty. On March 28, 2012 during a training exercise of soldiers, 19-year-old soldier threw a grenade RGD-5, which ricocheted off and flew back. S. Solnechnikov instantly realized what happened, pushed the soldier away and covered the grenade, saving the lives of others.
Type of issue: sheets of 5 stamps and a coupon (2×3)
Stamp Size: 42×30mm
Sheet size: 104×110mm
Circulation: 210,000 ex. (42,000 sheets)
First Day Cover will be in Moscow and St. Petersburg on 10th of November 2015