France 2013 Provincial working breed horses carriage lighthouse agriculture set of 12 stamps in booklet MNH [FR13/Horses]
18.60 €

Latvia 2013 Europa CEPT Mail transport Trains Cars Airplane Carriages Set of 2 stamps [LV13/11-12]
7.95 €

Faroe Islands Denmark 2013 Europa CEPT Postal transport car and truck booklet of 4 sets MNH [FO13/E]
22.90 €

Portugal 2013 Europa CEPT postal vehicles imperforated numbered souvenir sheet block mint [PR13/E]
49.50 €

Iceland 2013 Europa CEPT Postal transport set of 2 booklets with 10 self-adhesive stamps each MNH [IS13/E]
88.60 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2013 Europa CEPT Post car bus History of post delivery strip of 2 stamps MNH [FI13/E]
6.80 €

Lithuania 2013 Europa CEPT Postal transport set of 2 stamps mint [LT13/11-12]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Lithuania Litauen Lituanie 2013 Europa CEPT Postal transport cars limited edition booklet [LT13/11-12]
9.95 €

Great Britain United Kingdom 2013 Europa CEPT Post car Definitives Mail ship booklet MNH [GE13/E]
8.40 €

Russia 2013 History of automobile Lux Cars Joint issue with Monaco set of 2 maxicards [RU13/110-111]
8.80 €

Russia 2013 Joint issue of the Russia and Monaco History of automobile construction FDC [RU13/110-111]
4.85 €

Russia Russie Russland 2013 Car History Joint issue with Monaco set of 2 stamps MNH [RU13/110-111]
1.25 €