Special offers

Estonia Estland Estonie 1995 Louis Pasteur strip of 2 stamps and label RARE ! MNH [EE95/Pasteur]
50.00 €

Ukraine 2022 The famous sapper dog Patron - army assistant Postal charity issue Set of 8 stamps and a coupon in a block MNH [UA22/Patron]
10.00 €

Ukraine 2022 Russian warship done "Moscow" cruiser Glory to Ukraine! set of 2 maxicards [UA22/Done]
10.00 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2023 Lapland Cultural Autonomy Saami BeePost set and block FDC [FI23/Saami]
29.90 €

Russia Russland Russie 2007 Artist Kiprensky RARE Stamp with perforation 13 1/2 certificate MNH [RU07/Kiprensky]
100.00 €

Finland Finlande Finnland 2009 200 ann Grand Duchy of Finland Emperor Alexander I others RARE special numbered block with certificate MNH [FI09/1809]
100.00 €

Illustrated album for Finland stamps 1982-1999 ! Lindner Special fantastic offer ! New, 78 pages with plastic mounts
210.00 €

Illustrated album for Finland stamps 2000 - 2014 ! Lindner Special fantastic offer ! New, 91 pages with plastic mounts
220.00 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2005 Faberge jewelry Stamps anniversary phenomenal beauty! block MNH [FI05/Faberge]
10.00 €

Lithuania 2014 Owls (Tyto alba) (Glaucidium passerinum) Limited edition numbered booklet with 3 sets (5000 ex. only!) [LT14/8-9 bk]
6.00 €

Illustrated album for Aland stamps 1984-2014 ! Lindner Special fantastic offer ! New, 46 pages with plastic mounts [LIN01/Finland]
147.00 €

Illustrated album for Finland stamps 1857-1981 ! Lindner Special fantastic offer ! New, 72 pages with plastic mounts [LIN01/Finland]
200.00 €

Ukraine 2004 Europa CEPT Vacation (Welcome to Ukraine!) Limited edition booklet with special block MNH [UA04/E]
15.00 €

Russian occupation of Georgia 2013 South Ossetia Independence Day National flags and coats of arms of the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation Sheetlet MNH [SUOS13/1S]
25.00 €

Estonia Estland 1991 Numbered lux-block of stamp 2.00 from the First set Metallography (intaglio) on paper with water marks [EE91/lux]
29.00 €

Ukraine 2023 Warriors of Light Warriors of Good restoration of destruction from Russian attacks set of 5 stamps in block MNH [UA23/Light]
5.00 €

Finland 2000 Christmas special limited edition stamp with label for customer's picture Michel 1545BC MNH [FI00/Xmas]
5.00 €

Ukraine 2024 Definitives Towns Coat of Arms full set 2017-22 of 19 stamps and 2 labels in limited edition numbered imperforated block MNH with special cover [UA24/Def]
60.00 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2023 All Presidents super set from First to Present 20 stamps from 20's to 20's [FI23/Special]
29.00 €