Russian occupation of Moldova ( Transinistria DMR PMR ) 2014 Merry Christmas block mint [DMR14/1 bl]
6.65 €

Estonia Estland 2014 Chinese calendar New Year of the Horse gutter-pair with label barcode VERY RARE! [EE14/2]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Estonia Estland Estonie 2014 Chinese calendar Year of the Horse RARE IMPERFORATED Stamp MNH [EE14/2]
35.00 €

Belorussia Belarus Weissrussland 2014 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Set of 2 sheetlets of 6 stamps in each MNH [BY14/37-38 S]
13.20 €

Great Britain United Kingdom 2014 Christmas set of 7 perforated stamps in block MNH [GB14/Xmas]
12.90 €

Guernsey Great Britain 2014 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! Set of 7 stamps MNH [GE14/Xmas]
9.70 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 2014 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! Set of 2 stamps MNH [EE14/31-32]
3.85 €