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Belorussia Belarus 2014 Europa CEPT Old Musical Instruments sheetlet \ block mint [BY14/10-11 bl]
8.90 €
Sweden Schweden Suède 2014 Karl Belman poet and composer 100 kr stamp MNH [SE14/Karl]
This item is temporarily out of stock
Belgium Belgique Belgien 2014 Europa CEPT Music instruments A. Sax set of 2 stamps in block MNH [BL14/E]
This item is temporarily out of stock
Netherlands Pays-Bas Niederlande 2014 Europa CEPT Music instruments set of 2 stamps in strip MNH [ND14/E]
2.40 €
Serbia 2014 Europa CEPT music instruments ethnography set of 2 sheetlets of 8 stamps and label each MNH [SR14/E]
22.80 €
Finland Finnland Finlande 2014 Europa CEPT old music instruments strip of 2 stamps MNH [FI14/CEPT]
6.80 €
Estonia Estland Estonie 2014 Europa CEPT National music instruments set of 2 stamps MNH [EE14/13-14]
2.85 €
Republic of Macedonia 2014 Europa CEPT National musical instruments Set of 2 sheetlets MNH [MK14/1-3 S]
24.50 €
Republic of Macedonia 2014 Europa CEPT National musical instruments special limited edition block in booklet MNH [MK14/1-3 BK]
5.80 €
Moldova. Persons, issue I. Figures of culture and medicine. Set of 4 sheetlets, 8 stamps in each [MD14/13-16 S]
31.20 €
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