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Belarus. Medalists XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi. Darya Domracheva, hero of Belarus - 3 gold medals at the 2014 Winter Olympics (biathlon). Bl [BY14/25 s]
2.90 €

Russia 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi Olympic medals At the XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi, Russia ranked first in the team event, winning 13 gold, 11 silver and 9 bronze medals block with overprint MNH [RU14/Olymp winner]
6.80 €

Russia 2014 XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi Paralympic medals Russia set an absolute record in the team event Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in the Sochi. Has won 30 gold, 28 silver and 22 bronze medals block with overprint MNH [RU14/Paralimpic winner]
6.55 €
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