Lithuania Litauen Lituanie 2023 Summit NATO in Vilnius BeePost set of 2 stamps MNH [LT23/NATO]
7.50 €

Lithuania Litauen Lituanie 2023 Summit NATO in Vilnius BeePost set of 2 stamps with labels MNH [LT23/NATO]
14.90 €

Lithuania Litauen Lettonie 2023 Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania Taipei-2023 Exhibition BeePost block MNH [LT23/Taiwan]
7.90 €

Lithuania Litauen Lettonie 2023 Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania Taipei-2023 Exhibition BeePost set of sheetlet and block MNH [LT23/Taiwan]
22.40 €

Lithuania Litauen Lettonie 2023 Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania Taipei-2023 Exhibition BeePost set of stamps and block MNH [LT23/Taiwan]
10.80 €

Lithuania Litauen Lettonie 2023 Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania Taipei-2023 Exhibition BeePost sheetlet FDC [LT23/Taiwan]
15.80 €

Lithuania Litauen Lettonie 2023 Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania Taipei-2023 Exhibition BeePost sheetlet of 5 stamps and label MNH [LT23/Taiwan]
14.50 €

Lithuania Litauen Lettonie 2023 Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania Taipei-2023 Exhibition BeePost stamp and block FDC [LT23/Taiwan]
12.60 €

Lithuania Litauen Lettonie 2023 Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania Taipei-2023 Exhibition BeePost stamp MNH [LT23/Taiwan]
2.90 €

Lithuania Litauen Lettonie 2023 Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania Taipei-2023 Exhibition BeePost stamp with label MNH [LT23/Taiwan]
4.50 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 2023 Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church 100 ann set of 4 stamps in block MNH [EE23/X]
7.75 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 2023 Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church 100 ann set of 4 stamps mint [EE23/X]
7.75 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2023 All Presidents super set from First to Present 20 stamps from 20's to 20's [FI23/Special]
29.00 €

Cyprus 2023 75 ann of India’s Independence and 60 years of diplomatic relations between India and Cyprus special sheetlet MNH [CY23/India]
38.30 €

Russia 2023 WWII Diplomatic history Tehran 1943 Conference Roosevelt Churchill Stalin sheetlet MNH [RU23/Tehran]
7.50 €

Russia 2023 WWII Diplomatic history Tehran 1943 Conference Roosevelt Churchill Stalin stamp MNH [RU23/Tehran]
1.25 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2023 Martti Ahtisaari In Memoriam President Nobel laureate FDC [FI23/Ahtisaari]
5.80 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2023 Martti Ahtisaari In Memoriam President Nobel laureate sheetlet MNH [FI23/Ahtisaari]
35.50 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2023 Martti Ahtisaari In Memoriam President Nobel laureate stamp MNH [FI23/Ahtisaari]
3.55 €

Lithuania Litauen Lituanie 2023 Pope John Paul II's visit to Lithuania 30 ann BeePost block FDC [LT23/Pope]
16.90 €

Lithuania Litauen Lituanie 2023 Pope John Paul II's visit to Lithuania 30 ann BeePost block MNH [LT23/Pope]
15.00 €