Finland 2020 Europa CEPT Old post routes Zemstvo Peterspost sheetlet of 5 stamps with label MNH [RU20/E FiS]
49.75 €

Finland. Peterspost. Europa. Old post routes in Europe. Zemstvo, stamp with label [RU20/E FiZ]
19.95 €

Russia Finland 2020 Europa Old post routes in Europe Zemstvo Peterspost joint issue FDC [RU20/E FDC]
14.95 €

Russia Russland Russie 2020 Europa CEPT Old post routes Zemstvo Peterspost sheetlet of 5 stamps with label MNH [RU20/EUR]
18.80 €

Slovakia 2020 EUROPA CEPT Ancient Mail Routes The Magna Via 6 self-adhesive stamps in booklet MNH [SL20/E]
11.80 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2020 Europa CEPT Old postal routes Santa's way Posti sheetlet MNH [FI20/E]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Finland Finnland Finlande 2020 Europa CEPT Old postal routes Santa's way Posti stamp MNH [FI20/E]
3.95 €

Latvia Lettland Lettonie 2020 Europa CEPT Postal history numbered limited edition block MNH [LV20/E]
18.95 €

Estonia 2020 Europa CEPT Old post routes Museum post way Tartu-Vyru set of 2 stamps MNH [EE20/E]
5.95 €