Finland 2019 First set of 6 stamps in block Gagarin Lighthouse Europa Birds Bridge Art Writer FDC [PP19/collection FDC]
11.25 €

Finland 2019 Lighthouse Space Gagarin Europa CEPT Swan etc Peterspost Stamp set of 6 stamps in block MNH [PP19/collection]
9.80 €

Finland 2019 Yuri Gagarin 85th birthday Peterspost Sheetlet of 5 stamps and label MNH [PP19/Gagarin S]
14.40 €

Finland. Peterspost. Yuri Gagarin, 85th birthday. FDC with stamp and label [PP19/Gagarin FDC zf]
7.00 €

Russia 2019 First set of 6 stamps in block Gagarin Lighthouse Europa Birds Bridge Art Writer FDC [PP19/collection FDC]
8.85 €

Russia 2019 Lighthouse Space Gagarin Europa CEPT Swan etc Peterspost Stamp set of 6 stamps in block MNH [PP19/collection]
6.85 €

Russia 2019 Yuri Gagarin 85th birthday Peterspost Sheetlet of 5 stamps and 1 label MNH [PP19/Gagarin S]
14.50 €

Russia. Peterspost. Yuri Gagarin, 85th birthday. FDC with stamp and label [PP19/Gagarin FDC zf]
7.80 €

Russian occepation of Georgia ( Abkhasia ) Abhasia 2019 Yuri Gagarin First spaceman 85 ann RARE FDC [ABH19/Gagarin]
37.50 €

Russian occupation of Moldova 2012 Transnistria DMR PMR Achievements of the Soviet cosmonautics set of 4 sheetlets [DMR19/space]
38.75 €