Russia 2023 Kinds of sports Chess Football Figure skating Swimming limited edition booklet with set of stamps special block of labels and FDC's [RU23/Fig]
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Estonia Estland 2023 BeePost Second definitives set of 10 stamps from sheetlets FDC [BP23/def]
22.50 €

Estonia Estland 2023 BeePost Second definitives set of 10 stamps in block with label FDC [BP23/def]
12.90 €

Estonia Estland 2023 BeePost Second definitives set of 10 stamps in block with label MNH [BP23/def]
11.50 €

Lithuania Litauen 2023 BeePost Second definitives set of 10 stamps from sheetlets FDC [BP23/def]
22.50 €

Lithuania Litauen 2023 BeePost Second definitives set of 10 stamps in block with label FDC [BP23/def]
12.90 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2023 Museums association 100 years Posti block of 10 stamps MNH [FI23/Museums]
35.50 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 2023 National Olympic History 1923-2023 Olympics NOC 100 ann BeePost set of 4 blocks / sheetlets MNH [EE23/NOC]
47.40 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 2023 National Olympic History 1923-2023 Olympics NOC 100 ann BeePost set of 4 stamps FDC [EE23/NOC]
17.95 €