Lithuania 2012 Coat of arms of cities Kavarskas Kalvarija New Akmene Set of 3 stamps MNH [LT12/7-9]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Mountain Karabakh Artsakh 2012 20th anniversary of the liberation of Shushi Set of 2 stamps mint [NKR12/Shushi]
6.40 €

Mountain Karabakh Artsakh 2012 20th anniversary of the liberation of Shushi special sheetlet of 4 sets and 2 labels [NKR12/Shushi BS]
39.30 €

Gibraltar 2012 Europa CEPT Visit to Gibraltar Port Castle Lighthouse Cave ... set of 6 stamps MNH [GR12/E]
5.85 €

Russian occupation of Moldova 2012 Transnistria DMR PMR 20 years of Russian peacekeeping mission in Transnistria. Stamp [DMR12/24]
3.40 €

Kyrgyzstan 2012 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino block of 3 perforated sets MNH [KR12/Borodino АS]
4.80 €

Russian occupation of Moldova Transnistria 2012 Military Memorials of Transnistria set of 7 self-adhesive stamps in block MNH [DMR12/25-31S]
19.40 €

Austria Österreich L'Autriche 2012 Mountain goat 50th Anniversary of the Alpenzoo sheetlet MNH [AVS12/goat]
12.50 €