Russia RSFSR 1918-1923

Russia RSFSR 1918 First issue "Hand with a sword" set of 2 stamps in perfect condition (**) MNH [RU18/1-2]
7.95 €

Russia RSFSR 1922 Red Overprint R.S.F.S.R with DOTS ! RARE stamp MNH Michel 175b type III Y [RU1922/ovpr]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Russia RSFSR 1922 South-East to the starving Local issue Rostov-on-Don Michel 1-4 full set in perfect condition [RU1922/Rostov]
74.50 €

Russia RSFSR 1922 Philately for children overprints RARE full set 6 stamps MNH [RU1922/children]
745.00 €

Russia RSFSR 1922 Definitives RARE block of 9 stamps with face value one stamp 70 rub ERROR MNH [RU1922/70]
44.50 €

Russia RSFSR 1922 Red Star RARE INVERT Overprint 20r on 70k imperforated MNH (**) [RU1922/Stars]
165.00 €