Belorussia 2011 The International Polar Year IPY joint issue Penguins polar bear block mint [BY11/3-4 BS]
9.50 €

Belorussia 2011 The International Polar Year IPY joint issue Penguins polar bear set of 2 stamps mint [BY11/3-4]
2.90 €

Belorussia 2011 The International Polar Year IPY joint issue Penguins polar bear strip of 2 stamps mint [BY11/3-4 zn]
3.95 €

Mozambique 2011 100th Anniversary of Roald Amundsen's Expedition to the South Pole et of 2 block's MNH [MZD11/Amundsen]
14.45 €

Greenland Grönland Groenland Denmark 2011 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! booklet with 6 self-adhesive sets MNH [GL11/joulu]
38.20 €