Estonia Estland Estonie 2019 Tallinn Cathedral School 700 ann set of 2 stamps in block MNH [EE19/Tallinn]
4.80 €

Ukraine 2019 Donetsk region Lighthouse Belorarayskiy Closter Landscapes block MNH [UA19/Donbass]
7.60 €

Belorussia Belarus Weissrussland 2019 Brest 1000 ann set of 2 booklets with special limited edition blocks [BY19/Brest]
49.50 €

Belorussia Belarus Weissrussland 2019 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! special minisheet with 2 sets mint [BY19/Xmas]
9.80 €

Ukraine 2019 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! sheetlet of 2 sets with labels MNH [UA19/Xmas]
9.90 €

Finland 2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death Peterspost block MNH [PP19/Leo Fbl]
6.85 €

Finland 2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death Peterspost set of 2 sheetlets with 5 stamps and labels MNH [PP19/Leo FS]
22.90 €

Finland 2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death Peterspost set of 2 stamps MNH [PP19/Leo Fl]
4.65 €

Finland 2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death set of 2 stamps with labels MNH [PP19/Leo Fl]
5.00 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death Peterspost set of 2 maxicards [PP19/Leo FlMC]
9.60 €

Russia 2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death Peterspost block MNH [PP19/Leo Rb]
4.80 €

Russia 2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death Peterspost set of 2 maxicards [PP19/Leo RlMC]
9.75 €