Russia. Heroes of the Russian Federation, the continuation of the series, in 2017. SS Oskanov. Sheet of 5 stapms with coupon [RU17/4 S]
4.50 €

Russia. Heroes of the Russian Federation, the continuation of the series, in 2017. SS Oskanov. Stamp [RU17/4]
0.90 €

Russia. Heroes of the Russian Federation, the continuation of the series, in 2017. SS Oskanov. Stamp with coupon [RU17/4 zf]
1.50 €

Russia. Heroes of the Russian Federation, the continuation of the series, in 2017. SS Oskanov. Stampcard "Moscow 101000" [RU17/4 SC M]
2.50 €

Russia. Heroes of the Russian Federation, the continuation of the series, in 2017. SS Oskanov. Stampcard (empty) [RU17/4 SC]
1.00 €

DNR. Heroes of the Republic DNR. Sheet of 2 multidirectional blocks of 8 stamps [DNR17/4-11 bl S]
30.00 €

Russian occupation of Ukraine (DNR) 2017 "Heroes" of the Donetck Republic set of 8 FDC's [DNR17/4-11 FDC]
76.50 €

Russia. Heroes of the Russian Federation, continuation of the series, 2017. Set of 2 sheets of 5 stamps and coupon [RU17/13-14 S]
9.00 €

Russia. Heroes of the Russian Federation, continuation of the series, 2017. Set of 2 stamps [RU17/13-14]
1.80 €

Russia. Heroes of the Russian Federation, continuation of the series, 2017. Set of 2 stamps with 2 coupons [RU17/13-14 zf]
3.00 €

Russia. 75 years Engineering Design Bureau in Kolomna. Stampcard "Moscow 101000" [RU17/25 SC M]
4.50 €

Russia 2017 The 25th anniversary of the Association of Veterans of Combat Operations of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops of Russia FDC [RU17/26 FDC]
13.60 €

Russia. The 25th anniversary of the Association of Veterans of Combat Operations of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops of Russia. Souvenir sheet of 1 stamp [RU17/26 S]
4.40 €

Russia. The 25th anniversary of the Association of Veterans of Combat Operations of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops of Russia. Stampcard "Moscow 101000" [RU17/26 SC]
7.90 €