Finland Finnland Finlande 2021 National postcards 150 ann Posti Set of 6 stamps in booklet MNH [FI21/cards]
23.80 €

Denmark Danemark Danmark 2021 The Golden Age Train Ballet Art XIX centure PostNord set of 5 stamps MNH [DK21/Golden]
34.70 €

Russian occupation of Ukraine ( DNR Donetsk ) 2021 Penny the Black - First postage stamp of the world block MNH [DNR21/First]
7.25 €

Russian occupation of Ukraine LNR Lugansk 2021 Russian America 280 ann set of 6 stamps in block MNH [LNR21/America]
27.40 €

Russian occupation of Ukraine LNR Lugansk 2021 250 ann of the “liberation” of Taurida set of 3 stamps in block MNH [LNR21/Tavria]
19.45 €

Great Britain United Kingdom 2021 History of Industrial Revolutions set and block MNH [GB21/Revo]
24.60 €