Russia. 100 years since the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot A.P. Maresiev. Sheetlet of 10 stamps with coupon [RU 16/40 S]
9.00 €

Russia. 100 years since the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot A.P. Maresiev. Stamp [RU 16/40]
0.90 €

Russia. 100 years since the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot A.P. Maresiev. Strip of 2 stamps with coupon [RU 16/40 zf]
1.70 €

Russia. 100 years since the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot A.P. Stampcard "St. Petersburg 19000" [RU 16/40 SC SPb]
2.80 €

Russia. 100 years since the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot A.P. Stampcard (empty) [RU 16/40 SC]
1.00 €

Russian occupation of Ukraine ( LNR ) 2016 Towns of Lugansk region Pervomaisk June 1 - Children's Day Stamp MNH [LPR16/4]
5.95 €

25th anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Joint issue of the CIS countries. FDC "Moscow 101000" [RU 16/49 FDC]
1.40 €

25th anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Joint issue of the CIS countries. Sheet of 9 stamps [RU 16/49 S]
8.10 €

25th anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Joint issue of the CIS countries. Stamp [RU 16/49]
0.90 €

25th anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Joint issue of the CIS countries. Stampcard (empty) [RU 16/49 SC]
1.00 €

25th anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Joint issue of the CIS countries. Stampcard Moscow "101000" [RU 16/49 SC MSC]
2.80 €

Estonia. 100 years since the beginning of mining of oil shale in Estonia. Souvenir sheet with 1 stamp. [EE 16/23 S]
4.40 €

Russia. XX St.Petersburg International Economic Forum. Stampcard "St. Petersburg 19000" [RU 16/50 SC SPb]
3.30 €

Belorussia 2016 The beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Heroes of the defense of the Brest Fortress. Souvenir sheet of 3 stamps [BY16/18-21 S]
4.85 €

Belorussia. Way to victory. The beginning of the series. Heroic defense of the Brest Fortress. Joint issue of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. FDC [RUBY/16 BY16/18-21 FDC]
3.70 €

Belorussia. Way to victory. The beginning of the series. Heroic defense of the Brest Fortress. Joint issue of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Sheet of 7 stamps and coupon [RUBY/16 BY16/18-21 S]
7.70 €

Belorussia. Way to victory. The beginning of the series. Heroic defense of the Brest Fortress. Joint issue of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Stamp [RUBY/16 BY16/18-21]
1.10 €

Belorussia. Way to victory. The beginning of the series. Heroic defense of the Brest Fortress. Joint issue of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Stamp with coupon [RUBY/16 BY16/18-21 zf]
4.30 €

Russia. Way to Victory. Start the series. The heroic defense of the Brest Fortress. Joint issue of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. FDC [RU 16/51 FDC]
1.70 €

Russia. Way to Victory. Start the series. The heroic defense of the Brest Fortress. Joint issue of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Sheet of 7 stamps and a coupon [RU 16/51 S]
7.70 €