Belorussia Belarus 2016 Belarusian communication satellite "Belintersat-1" Stamp mint [BY16/13]
1.70 €

Belorussia Belarus 2016 Belarussian communication satellite "Belintersat-1" Sheet of 6 stamps mint [BY16/13 S]
10.20 €

Belorussia. State symbols: the emblem and the flag of the Republic. Set of 2 sheets of 6 stamps [BY16/22-24 S]
11.40 €

Belorussia. State symbols: the emblem and the flag of the Republic. Set of 2 stamps [BY16/22-24]
1.90 €

Belorussia. State symbols: the national anthem of the Republic. Souvenir sheet of 1 stamp [BY16/22-24 BL]
1.80 €

Belorussia Belarus 2016 Beekeeping in Belarus Souvenir sheet block of 2 stamps MNH [BY16/40-41 S]
3.80 €

Russia 2016 50 ann Historical-Ethnographic Museum "Kizhi" limited edition rare numbered plywood Souvenir sheet block [RU16/Kizhi]
175.00 €