Russia 2019 Charlie Chaplin - the legend of cinema Peterspost sheetlet of 5 stamps with label MNH [PP19/Chaplin RS]
4.75 €

Russia 2019 Legend of aviation plane TU-134 Peterspost sheetlet of 5 stamps with label MNH [PP19/TU RS]
10.75 €

Russia 2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death Peterspost block MNH [PP19/Leo Rb]
4.80 €

Russia 2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death Peterspost set of 2 maxicards [PP19/Leo RlMC]
9.75 €

Russia 2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death Peterspost set of 2 stamps MNH [PP19/Leo R]
3.45 €

Russia 2019 Modern ships of the Baltic sea, 2019 Peterspost set of 2 stamps with labels [PP19/Ships Rl]
14.90 €

Russia 2019 Modern ships of the Baltic sea, 2019, set of 2 sheetlets of 5 stamps with labels [PP19/Ships RS]
40.50 €

Russia and Finland 2019 Modern ships of the Baltic sea Peterspost Joint issue super full set of 4 stamps 2 blocks and 4 sheetlets [PP19/Ships]
99.50 €

Russia Russland Russie 2019 Charlie Chaplin the legend of cinema Peterspost stamp MNH [PP19/Chaplin R]
0.95 €