Finland 2020 ActNow joint-issue Peterspost set of 10 perforated stamps in block MNH [FI20/ActNow]
17.80 €

Finland 2020 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death "The Lord's Supper" MILANOFIL-2020 Peterspost block MNH [FI20/Milan]
9.75 €

Finland 2020 Leonardo da Vinci. 500 years from the date of death, "The Lord's Supper", MILANOFIL-2020 Peterspost imperforated block [FI20/Milan set]
14.95 €

Finland 2020 Peterspost Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death The Lord's Supper MILANOFIL-2020 block FDC [FI20/Milan]
9.45 €

Finland 2020 Peterspost Quarantined Italy COVID-2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death The Lord's Supper MILANOFIL-2020 exhibition muved block with overprint FDC [FI20/Milan]
9.45 €

Finland 2020 Quarantined Italy COVID Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death "The Lord's Supper" MILANOFIL exhibition muved Peterspost imperforated block with overprint MNH [FI20/Milan COVID]
14.95 €

Finland 2020 Quarantined Italy COVID-2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death "The Lord's Supper" MILANOFIL-2020 exhibition muved Peterspost block with overprint MNH [FI20/Milan COVID]
9.95 €

Finland 2020 Quarantined Italy COVID-2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death "The Lord's Supper" MILANOFIL-2020 exhibition muved Peterspost full set of 2 stamps and 3 block's with overprints [FI20/Milan COVID setII]
49.90 €

Finland. Peterspost. Leonardo da Vinci. 500 years from the date of death, "The Lord's Supper", MILANOFIL-2020, set of 2 stamps [FI20/Milan set]
7.80 €

Finland. Peterspost. Quarantined Italy. COVID-2019. Leonardo da Vinci. 500 years from the date of death, "The Lord's Supper", MILANOFIL-2020 exhibition muved, block with invert overprint [FI20/Milan COVID invert]
14.95 €

Finland. Peterspost. Quarantined Italy. COVID-2019. Leonardo da Vinci. 500 years from the date of death, "The Lord's Supper", MILANOFIL-2020 exhibition muved, set with overprint [FI20/Milan COVID set]
7.80 €

Russia 2020 ActNow joint-issue Peterspost set of 10 imperforated stamps in block MNH [FI20/ActNow RU imperf]
18.80 €

Finland 2020 Fauna Wild life "Memorable facts" Bottlenose dolphin (Finnish gulf, Baltic sea) Peterspost sheetlet of 5 stamps and label MNH [RU20/FaunaWL FI]
19.85 €

Finland 2020 Fauna Wild life "Memorable facts" White giraffe and Bottlenose dolphin Peterspost block of 2 sets MNH [RU20/FaunaWL FI]
11.50 €

Finland 2020 Fauna Wild life "Memorable facts" White giraffe and Bottlenose dolphin Peterspost set of 2 sheetlets of 5 stamps with label each MNH [RU20/FaunaWL FI]
32.25 €

Finland 2020 Fauna Wild life "Memorable facts" White giraffe and Bottlenose dolphin Peterspost set of 2 stamps with labels MNH [RU20/FaunaWL FI]
9.95 €

Finland 2020 Fauna Wild life "Memorable facts" White giraffe and Bottlenose dolphin strip of 2 stamps mint [RU20/FaunaWL FI]
5.95 €

Finland 2020 Lost tram lines of Baltic and Scandinavian towns Peterspost set of 6 stamps MNH [RU20/Tram Fi]
19.80 €

Finland 2020 Lost tram lines of Baltic towns Peterspost complete of stamp set and 2 block's on 3 FDC's [RU20/Tram]
48.75 €

Finland 2020 Lost tram lines of Baltic towns Peterspost set of 6 sheetlets of 5 stamps and label each MNH [RU20/Tram Fi]
94.40 €

Finland 2020 Lost tram lines of Baltic towns Peterspost set of 6 stamps in block MNH [RU20/Tram Fi]
19.60 €

Finland 2020 Lost tram lines of Baltic towns Peterspost set of 6 stamps with labels MNH [RU20/Tram Fi]
25.00 €

Finland 2020 Lost tram lines of Baltic towns Vyborg Viipuri Peterspost strip of 2 stamps in block MNH [RU20/Tram Fi]
7.85 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2020 Lost tram lines of Baltic towns Klaipeda Memel Lighthouse 1904-34 Peterspost FDC [RU20/Tram Fi]
6.95 €