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Russia.Sochi 2014. Olympic Games mascots. 3 postcards "B" "Sochi-2014. Saratov 410000" [RUSC12/Sochi Sar]
8.30 €
Russia.Sochi 2014. Paralympic Games mascots. Postcard "B" "Sochi-2014. Saratov 410000" [RUSC12/Sochi-par Sar]
3.20 €
Russia. Weapons of Victory. Automobiles. 4 pc maxicards. First Day cancellation "Moskow 101000" [RUМC12/15-18]
12.90 €
Russia. Russian Council of Veterans of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops. Maxicard [RUMC12/25]
3.90 €
Russia.07.05.2012 Vladimir Putin inaugurated as President of Russia.The meeting at the Manege Square March 5, 2012. Maxicard "Moscow 101000" [RUMC12/31II M]
3.90 €
Russia.07.05.2012 Vladimir Putin inaugurated as President of Russia.The sign of the President of the Russian Federation. Maxicard "Moscow 101000" [RUMC12/31I M]
3.90 €
Russia.07.05.2012 Vladimir Putin inaugurated as President of Russia.The sign of the President of the Russian Federation. Maxicard "Saint-Petersburg 190000" [RUMC12/31S]
6.40 €
Russia. "XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi. Tourism on the Black Sea coast of Russia" 2012y. 4 maxicards "Moscow 101000" [RUMC12/26-29 M]
29.90 €
Russia. 75 years of first transpolar nonstop flight. Maxicard "Saint-Petersburg 190000" [RUМC12/42]
5.90 €
Russia. 400 anniversary of the reunification of the Russian state. Monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow. Maxicard "Saint-Petersburg 190000" [RUMC12/43Sр]
4.90 €
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