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Russia 1995 Moscow architecture Block of 9 stamps with additional text "World Philatelic Exhibition "Moscow-97" [RU95/Moscow]
49.90 €
Finland Finlsnde Finnland 1995 Nature Endangered Animals Joint issue with Russia FDC [RU95/Finland]
3.95 €
Finland Finlsnde Finnland 1995 Nature Endangered Animals Joint issue with Russia set of 4 stamps in block 2x2 MNH [RU95/Finland]
2.90 €
Finland Finlsnde Finnland 1995 Nature Endangered Animals Joint issue with Russia sheetlet MNH [RU95/Finland]
11.60 €
Russia 1995 Nature Endangered Animals Joint issue with Finland set of 4 stamps in block 2x2 MNH [RU95/Finland]
2.45 €
Russian occupation of Moldova (Transnistria) 1995 50 ann of Victory WWII perforated stamp MNH [DMR95/Victory]
1.35 €
Russian occupation of Georgia South Ossetia 1995 FIDE World Chess Championship USA set of 2 stamps MNH [SUOS95/chess]
17.60 €
Russia Russland Russie 1995 Religion Architecture Orthodox churches around the world Set of 5 stamps MNH [RU95/Orthodox]
2.60 €
Russia Russland Russie 1995 Religion Architecture Orthodox churches around the world Sheetlet MNH [RU95/Orthodox bl]
7.40 €
Russian occupation of Georgia 1995 South Ossetia Definitives Flag map and State Coat of Arms RARE sheetlet MNH [SUOS95/Def]
193.00 €
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