Russian occupation of Georgia South Ossetia 1997 World Philatelic Exhibition in Moscow strip of 2 stamps [SUOS97/Moscow]
12.65 €

Russia 1997 850th Anniversary of Moscow "Old Moscow" set of 10 stamps in sheetlet block MNH [RU97/Moscow]
4.90 €

Russia 1997 850th Anniversary of Moscow "Old Moscow" set of 10 stamps in strip MNH [RU97/Moscow]
3.40 €

Russia 1997 Birth Bicentenary of A.S.Pushkin Pushkin's fairy tales Set of 5 stamps mint [RU97/Pushkin]
4.90 €

Russia. Birth Bicentenary of A.S.Pushkin. Pushkin's fairy tales. Blok of 10 stamps (2 strips of 5 stamps) [RU97/Pushkin bl]
29.90 €