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Russia 2009 History of the Russian Cossacks Outstanding atamans Block of 3 stamps [RU09/atamans]
3.80 €

Russia 2009 Costumes Headwear of Central Russia Set of 4 sheetlets of 11 stamps and 1 label each [RU09/Costumes]
46.20 €

Russia 2009 Costumes Headwear of Central Russia Sheetlet of 2 strips of 4 stamps [RU09/Costumes]
10.55 €

Russian occupation of Georgia ( South Ossetia ) 2009 15 years treaty of friendship between South Ossetia and Transnistria Joint issue block of 2 stamps and label [SUOS12/DMR zf]
47.50 €

Russia 2009 200th of Vladimir Istomin Hero of the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War Stamp mint [RU09/Istomin]
2.20 €

Russia 2009 Antarctic Treaty 50 ann First Day Card with St.Petersburg's First Day cancellation [RU09/85 FDC SPb]
12.80 €

Russia 2009 Antarctic Treaty 50 ann Maxicard with St.Petersburg's First Day cancellation [RU09/85 MC SPb]
9.60 €

Russian occupation of Georgia ( Abkhazia ) 2009 Legends of Abkhazian football set of 5 stamps MNH [ABH09/Football]
24.45 €
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