What are Peterspost stamps?
... interesting fact! In the year when the international postal operator PetersPost stopped issuing new stamps, the number of orders for them increased. In this article, we tried to answer the most frequently asked questions from philatelists about this unique phenomenon in modern philately and postal services. Click to FDC's picture and read! Get acquainted with a (possibly) new area of collecting for you, the history of which was "put on hold" by the Ukrainian War
Birds are the most popular !
Probably, almost every collector would like his favorite theme to be the most popular... however, statistics are a stubborn thing! What is the most popular theme of stamp collecting in the world? It's "Birds"!
New birds "fly" into our store every week, and even more often! In the corresponding section at this link there are already more than a thousand sets and blocks!
Chik-chirik ;-)
EUROPA CEPT 2025 Archaeological discoveries
In the coming 2025, "a holiday on the Philatelists - Archaeologists street"! ;-)
The theme of the most popular joint issue of European postal administrations EUROPA CEPT - Archaeological discoveries.
As usual, we will closely monitor the release of new issues and gradually offer them to you. For those collectors who are especially interested in the topic of Archeology, we invite you to follow the link to the corresponding section of our store.
And the topic of EUROPA is widely represented here:
Have a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year!

Dear collectors! Dear friends!
Thank you for being with us in the past year.
We wish you pleasant holidays, good health, prosperity, interesting philatelic discoveries!
We are happy to accept orders every day, including holidays. Shipments are made daily, except for December 25-26 and January 1
As always in all the years of our work, starting from 1990, the assortment updates are constant, and 2025 will definitely please us with many new unexpectedly interesting things, we already know! ;-)
Your Peterstamps team
UPU 150
The 150th anniversary of the UPU is not only a reason to remember the roots of our common wonderful hobby - philately, but also to "refresh" the popular theme of joint stamp issues. The jubilee date became the reason for the largest joint issue, covering the entire planet. We closely monitor new issues, replenishing the corresponding section of the store. We invite you to familiarize yourself!
There are more of us!
Dear collectors! Dear friends!
We started fulfilling your orders by post even before the Internet appeared, in the now distant year of 1990. 34 years of work is a period sufficient for objective statistics and good experience. Traditionally, in the summer (especially hot ones), the number of orders falls, buyers take a rest. However, this year "challenged" the trend. We thank you for your increased activity and are especially pleased to welcome new customers attracted thanks to our stores on the Delcampe and HipStamp marketplaces
Please note! Here in our main shop, the choice is always bigger and the prices are lower!
But, in any case, you, as buyers, are always right, and only you can determine what, where and when to buy! Indeed, for buyers from the USA, HipStamp may be more convenient, because the prices there are indicated in dollars, and Delcampe is created with French logic and taste. By clicking on the hyperlinks, you can see our other stores, to which you may be more accustomed
But the best and freshest offers are always first and foremost only in the main store!
Always at your service!
Peterstamps.com team Int
Russia Nobel Prize Laureates 2015 stamp set Peterspost
Archive of Press Releases
New Issues
Ukraine 2025 Mariupol Hero City Steel stamps Block MNH 7.00 €

Russia 2015 First definitive issue of Peterspost Views of St. Petersburg Set of 6 stamps MNH 9.90 €

Ukraine 2025 Volnovakha City Hero Train in fire and sunflowers Maxicard 8.65 €

Kazakhstan 2009 Europa CEPT Astronomy Space Scientists Set of 2 sheetlets MNH 34.50 €

Bosnia Serbian 1999 Definitives Cities of Bosnia Herzegovina Set of 8 stamps MNH 9.95 €

Azerbajan 2003 President Heydar Aliyev 80 ann together with significant leaders of countries block MNH 4.85 €

Georgia 2010 Winter Olympic Vancouver Nodar Kumaritashvili memoriam perf stamp FDC rare 19.45 €

Latvia 2025 Animated film Flow Cat Sheetlet MNH 39.50 €

Poland Polen 2021 Year of European Railways Trains Set of 5 stamps and label in block MNH 5.95 €

Poland 2005 Ocean shell Sydney World Philatelic Exhibiton Set of 2 numbered block's perforated and imperforated MNH 8.60 €

Special Offers
Estonia Estland Estonie 1995 Louis Pasteur strip of 2 stamps and label RARE ! MNH 50.00 €

Ukraine 2022 The famous sapper dog Patron - army assistant Postal charity issue Set of 8 stamps and a coupon in a block MNH 10.00 €

Ukraine 2022 Russian warship done "Moscow" cruiser Glory to Ukraine! set of 2 maxicards 10.00 €

Ukraine 2023 Definitives Easter eggs Pisanki Ivano-Frankivsk Gutsulschina FDC 1.00 €

Ukraine 2005 Steam Locomotives set of 4 stamps MNH 1.00 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2023 Lapland Cultural Autonomy Saami BeePost set and block FDC 29.90 €

Finland 1930-1972 Very interesting set of 24 Christmas stamps 50.00 €

Russia Russland Russie 2007 Artist Kiprensky RARE Stamp with perforation 13 1/2 certificate MNH 100.00 €

Finland Finlande Finnland 2009 200 ann Grand Duchy of Finland Emperor Alexander I others RARE special numbered block with certificate MNH 100.00 €

Illustrated album for Finland stamps 1982-1999 ! Lindner Special fantastic offer ! New, 78 pages with plastic mounts 210.00 €