Lithuania 2012 625 years of Christianity in Lithuania special limited edition booklet [LT12/16 bk]
17.90 €

Lithuania 2012 625 years of Christianity in Lithuania Stamp mint [LT12/16]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Moldavia Moldova 2012 Europa CEPT Kurki monastery and the village of Small Mici booklet with 2 limited edition block's MNH [MD12/11-12Bbk]
3.80 €

Moldova 2012 Europa CEPT Kurki monastery and the village of Small Mici set of 2 minisheets in booklet [MD12/11-12AS]
18.90 €

Moldova Moldavia 2012 Europa CEPT Visit to ... Kurki monastery and the village of Small Mici set of 2 stamps MNH [MD12/11-12A]
1.25 €

Mountain Karabakh Artsakh 2012 20th anniversary of the liberation of Shushi Set of 2 stamps mint [NKR12/Shushi]
6.40 €

Mountain Karabakh Artsakh 2012 20th anniversary of the liberation of Shushi special sheetlet of 4 sets and 2 labels [NKR12/Shushi BS]
39.30 €

Mountain-Karabakh Armenia 2012 20th anniversary of the liberation of Shushi set of 2 stamps [NKR12/Shushi B zn]
4.80 €

Spain Spanien 2012 Cathedrals and castles Joint issue with Russia Architecture strip of 2 stamps MNH [ESP12/RUS zn 1]
3.95 €

Armenia 2012 Monastery Hagiga Dar. Joint issue with the post of Romania. FDC [ARFDC12/Monastery]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Russian occupation of Moldova Transnistria 2012 Military Memorials of Transnistria set of 7 self-adhesive stamps in block MNH [DMR12/25-31S]
19.40 €