Moldavia Moldova 2011 50 years the first manned flight into space "First in Space" block joint issue of many countries [MD11/17-20 s/s]
4.70 €

Moldavia Moldova 2011 50 years the first manned flight into space "First in Space" set joint issue of many countries [MD11/17-20]
4.70 €

Belorussia Belarus 2011 50 years the first manned flight into space stamp joint issue of many countries MNH [BY11/8]
1.00 €

Russia Russland Russie 2011 Gagarin 50 years the first manned flight into space block MNH [RU11/7S]
1.00 €

Hungary 2011 Space Gagarin the first flying 50 anniversary block MNH Michel block 340 [HU11/Gagarin]
6.45 €

Mountain Karabakh Artsakh 2011 30th Anniversary of the First Space Shuttle Launch special limited edition sheetlet with labels mint [NKR11/Space]
14.45 €

Mozambique 2011 Space exploration in the XX century. Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova, Armstrong set of 2 blocks [MZB11/space XX]
17.90 €