Latvia Lettland Lettonie 2014 European Capitals of Culture Riga and Umeå Joint issue with Sweden Set of 2 stamps MNH [LV14/8-9]
1.75 €

Scandinavia 2014 Life by the sea Ships Scandinavian joint issue set of 8 blocks in special booklet MNH [FI10/Kotka]
48.80 €

Latvia 2014 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Latvia and Georgia Joint issue Latvia-Georgia Sheetlet MNH [LV14/20 S]
29.00 €

Latvia 2014 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Latvia and Georgia Joint issue Latvia-Georgia Stamp MNH [LV14/20]
1.35 €

Faroe Islands Denmark Greenland 2014 Prince Hendrik 80 ann joint issue Set of 2 stamps MNH [FO14/king]
9.80 €

Faroe Islands Denmark Greenland 2014 Prince Hendrik 80 ann joint issue Set of 3 countries in special booklet MNH [FO14/king]
27.85 €

Faroe Islands Denmark Greenland 2014 Prince Hendrik 80 ann joint issue Sheetlet MNH [FO14/king]
24.50 €

Estonia 2014 25th anniversary of the Baltic Chain. Joint Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian issue sheetlet [EE14/18 S]
37.50 €

Estonia 2014 25th anniversary of the Baltic Chain. Joint Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian issue. Stamp MNH [EE14/18]
0.80 €

Latvia 2014 25 years of action "Baltic Way". Joint issue of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia block [LV14/32-35 bl]
4.80 €

Latvia 2014 25 years of action "Baltic Way". Joint issue of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. FDC [LV14/32-35 FDC]
7.40 €

Latvia 2014 25 years of action "Baltic Way". Joint issue of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. FDC block [LV14/32-35 FDCbl]
15.90 €

Latvia 2014 25 years of action "Baltic Way". Joint issue of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Stamp [LV14/32-35]
1.15 €

Lithuania 2014 25 years of action "Baltic Way". Joint issue of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. FDC [LT14/18-20 FDC]
22.90 €

Iceland Island Istande 2014 Manuscripts joint issue with Denmark Set of 2 self-adhesive stamps MNH [IS14/DK]
8.80 €

Mexico 2014 Wild cats 60 years of diplomatic relations with Indonesia joint issue sheetlet MNH [MEX14/Indonesia]
88.00 €

Ukraine 2014 Landmarks and artifacts of ancient cultures Archeology joint issue with Pakistan block MNH [UA14/Pakistan]
1.00 €

Ukraine and Pakistan 2014 Landmarks and artifacts of ancient cultures Archeology joint issue full set of both countries MNH [UA14/Pakistan]
7.90 €