New issues

Russia 2015 First definitive issue of Peterspost Views of St. Petersburg Set of 6 stamps MNH [PP15/1-6]
9.90 €

Azerbajan 2003 President Heydar Aliyev 80 ann together with significant leaders of countries block MNH [AZE03/Y]
4.85 €

Georgia 2010 Winter Olympic Vancouver Nodar Kumaritashvili memoriam perf stamp FDC rare [GZ10/Olymp]
19.45 €

Poland Polen 2021 Year of European Railways Trains Set of 5 stamps and label in block MNH [PL21/Y]
5.95 €

Poland 2005 Ocean shell Sydney World Philatelic Exhibiton Set of 2 numbered block's perforated and imperforated MNH [PL05/Y]
8.60 €

Russia RSFSR 1922 Philately for children RARE INVERT overprint First issue Michel 186 I invert [RU1922/children]
475.00 €

Norway 1929 Definitives Overprints Post Michel # 141-49 Set of 10 stamps MNH Excellent condition [NO1929/Y]
55.00 €

Russia 2006 Exhibits from the museums of the Moscow Kremlin Full complete Set Block and limited edition strip MNH [RU06/Kremlin]
39.60 €

Finland 2017 100th anniversary of the abdication of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II from the throne. British National Exhibition Spring STAMPEX 15-18.02.2017 Peterspost block of 2 stamps MNH [PP17/STAMPEX bl]
6.80 €

Norway 1927 Definitives Overprints Michel # 133-35 Set of 3 stamps MNH Excellent condition [NO1927/Y]
44.50 €

Finland 2010 Women's Day March 8 Outstanding Finnish Women Set of 6 stamps in booklet MNH [FI10/Y]
19.90 €

Norway 1925 Definitives Svalbard Set of 4 stamps Michel # 116-119 MNH Excellent condition [NO1925/Y]
64.50 €

TAAF France 2025 Diptych The beauty of the hidden biodiversity of the Scattered Islands Strip MNH [TAAF25/Y]
3.95 €