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Estonia 2014 Bird of the year Kingfisher (Alcedo Atthis) sheetlet [EE14/8 S]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Lithuania 2014 Owls (Tyto alba) (Glaucidium passerinum) Limited edition numbered booklet with 3 sets (5000 ex. only!) [LT14/8-9 bk]
6.00 €

France 2014 Vacations Animals birds fishes on holidays comics set of 12 stamps in booklet MNH [FR14/Vacations]
12.80 €

Bhutan 2014 Flora and fauna Bird mammals flowers set of 9 stamps in 2 block's MNH [BTN14/Fauna]
18.40 €

Latvia Lettland Lettonie 2014 Birds Hoopoe (Upupa epops) and Jack snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus) set of 2 sheetlets MNH [LV14/24-25]
38.50 €

Latvia Lettland Lettonie 2014 Birds Hoopoe (Upupa epops) and Jack snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus) set of 2 stamps MNH [LV14/24-25]
3.85 €

Namibia 2014 Fauna and Flora of the Kalahari Desert set of 10 stamps in block or sheetlet MNH [NAM14/desert]
19.75 €

Kyrgyzstan 2014 WWF Black vulture Aegypius monachus set of 4 IMPERFORATED limited edition sheetlets of 10 stamps each MNH [KR14/WWF]
294.00 €

Kyrgyzstan 2014 WWF Black vulture Aegypius monachus set of 4 stamps in block 2x2 MNH [KR14/WWF]
7.80 €

Kyrgyzstan 2014 WWF Black vulture Aegypius monachus special minisheet of 4 sets MNH [KR14/WWF]
33.60 €

Armenia 2014 Flora and Fauna Dianthus (Dianthus gabrielianae) and hoopoe (Upupa epops) Set of 2 stamps MNH [AR14/32-33]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Armenia 2014 Flora and Fauna Dianthus gabrielianae and hoopoe (Upupa epops) Set of 2 sheetlets MNH [AR14/32-33 S]
48.50 €
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