Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost imperforated limited edition block [PP21/Mush]
19.90 €

Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost set of 4 stamps in block MNH [PP21/Mush]
11.50 €

Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost sheetlet of 5 stamps and label MNH [PP21/Mush]
23.90 €

Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost sheetlet stamp with label mint [PP21/Mush]
6.90 €

Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost single stamp from sheetlet mint [PP21/Mush]
3.90 €

Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost strip of 4 stamps mint [PP21/Mush]
10.00 €

Finland and Russia 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost imperforated limited edition set of 2 sheetlets [PP21/Mush]
49.90 €

Finland and Russia 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost imperforated limited edition set of 2 sheetlets and block [PP21/Mush]
69.80 €

Russia 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost sheetlet of 5 stamps and label MNH [PP21/Mush]
19.90 €

Russia 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost stamp with label MNH [PP21/Mush]
6.95 €

Russia and Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost joint issue full set of 2 FDC's [PP21/Mush]
17.95 €

Russia and Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost joint issue large full complete of 2 stamps block and sheetlets mint [PP21/Mush]
57.28 €

Russia and Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost joint issue set of 2 sheetlets mint [PP21/Mush]
39.40 €