Home|Joint issues: Joint issues of stamps with participation of post departmens of USSR and Russia|First Day Cover (FDC): The Russian Federation|Stamps by country: The Russian Federation|Stamps by topics: Flora and mushrooms: Mushrooms|Stamps by topics: Gastronomy, cuisine|Stamps by country: EU countries, Northern Europe: Finland|First Day Cover (FDC): EU countries, Northern Europe: Finland|Peterspost: Stamps|First Day Covers
Russia and Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost joint issue full set of 2 FDC's
Date of issue: 20 Nov., 2021
St # PP21/Mush
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Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost sheetlet of 5 stamps and label MNH
23.90 €

Finland 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost sheetlet stamp with label mint
6.90 €

Russia 2021 Parasol mushroom a delicacy of gastronomy Peterspost sheetlet of 5 stamps and label MNH
19.90 €