Faroe Islands Denmark Greenland 2012 Danish Queen 40 years reign Block's of 3 countries in special booklet MNH [GL12/Queen]
29.60 €

Aland Islands Åland Finland 2012 "Life at Sea" joint issue the Nordic countries block mint [AL12/meri S]
7.40 €

Greenland Grönland Groenland 2012 Sea life Art Whale Scandinavian joint issue block MNH [GL12/Sea]
4.85 €

Greenland Grönland Groenland 2012 Sea life Art Whale Scandinavian joint issue Set of 2 stamps MNH [GL12/Sea]
4.80 €

Sweden 2012 Life at Seajoint issue the Nordic countries Airplane Lighthouse Ship Landscape block MNH [SE12/meri]
4.85 €

Spain - Russia 2012 Joint issue. Architecture FDC [ESPFDC12/RUS]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Spain Spanien 2012 Cathedrals and castles Joint issue with Russia Architecture strip of 2 stamps MNH [ESP12/RUS zn 1]
3.95 €

Armenia 2012 Monastery Hagiga Dar. Joint issue with the post of Romania. FDC [ARFDC12/Monastery]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Estonia 2012 Railway bridges of Baltic Joint issue of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia set of 2 FDC's [EEFDC12/23, 24-26 S]
18.90 €

Estonia 2012 Railway bridges Train Joint issue of Latvia Lithuania and Estonia Stamp mint MNH [EE12/24-26]
0.95 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 2012 Railway bridges of Baltic Joint issue of Latvia Lithuania and Estonia block MNH [EE12/24-26 S]
5.75 €

Latvia Lettland Lettonie 2012 Railway bridges of Baltic Joint issue of Latvia Lithuania and Estonia block MNH [LV12/26]
3.65 €

Latvia Lettland Lettonie 2012 Railway bridges of Baltic Train Joint issue of Latvia Lithuania and Estonia stamp MNH [LV12/26]
0.75 €

Lithuania 2012 Railway bridges of Baltic Joint issue of Latvia Lithuania and Estonia Stamp MNH [LT12/29]
4.95 €

Lithuania 2012 Railway bridges of Baltic. Joint issue of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia sheetlet [LT12/29 S]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Lithuania Litauen 2012 Railway bridges of Baltic Joint issue of Latvia Lithuania and Estonia block MNH [LT12/30-32 S]
8.45 €