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DMR. Defenders of the Motherland Day. Overprint on stamps- money "suvorovki". FDC [DMRFDC12/1-4]
7.20 €
DMR. Defenders of the Motherland Day. Overprint on stamps- money "suvorovki". Set 4st [DMR12/1-4]
6.20 €
DMR. History of Transnistria, The people who lived on the north-western Black Sea region in the VIII.c. BC - X c. AD. 2 FDC [DMRFDC12/15-20]
19.90 €
DMR. History of Transnistria, The people who lived on the north-western Black Sea region in the VIII.c. BC - X c. AD. Sheetlet 3 strips/6st [DMR12/15-20S]
74.90 €
DMR. History of Transnistria, The people who lived on the north-western Black Sea region in the VIII.c. BC - X c. AD. Strip 6st + bl 1st [DMR12/15-20zd, 20 s/s]
39.90 €
PMR. History of Transnistria, the Slavs VI-X century. 5 sheetl/9st + 1sheetl/3st [DMR12/8-13BS]
95.40 €
PMR. History of Transnistria, the Slavs VI-X century. Strip 6 st + bl/1st [DMR12/8-13zd, 14S]
38.50 €
Russian occupation of Moldova (DMR) 2012 History of Transnistria, the Slavs VI-X century set of 2 FDCs [DMRFDC12/8-13]
62.50 €
PMR. 10 years of Philately Division of Transnistria post offis. Overprint on stamps- money "suvorovki". Bl 100 st [DMR12/15-17 S]
95.50 €
PMR. 10 years of Philately Division of Transnistria post offis. Overprint on stamps- money "suvorovki". FDC [DMRFDC12/15-17]
3.20 €
PMR. 10 years of Philately Division of Transnistria post offis. Overprint on stamps- money "suvorovki". Set 3st [DMR12/15-17]
2.20 €
PMR. 10 years of Philately Division of Transnistria post offis. Overprint on stamps- money "suvorovki". Set 2strips/2st [DMR12/15-17 zd]
25.90 €
DMR. 20 years of Russian peacekeeping mission in Transnistria. Small sheetl 6st [DMR12/24 S/s]
20.40 €
Russian occupation of Moldova 2012 Transnistria DMR PMR 20 years of Russian peacekeeping mission in Transnistria. Stamp [DMR12/24]
3.40 €
DMR. Memorials of Transnistria: state symbols, war memorials. Pl 7st in booklets [DMR12/25-31Sbk]
25.90 €
Russian occupation of Moldova Transnistria 2012 Military Memorials of Transnistria set of 7 self-adhesive stamps in block MNH [DMR12/25-31S]
19.40 €
Russian occupation of Moldova 2012 Transnistria DMR PMR Football EURO 2012 Set of 4 stamps MNH [DMR12/36-37]
7.45 €
Russian occupation of Moldova 2012 Transnistria DMR PMR Football EURO 2012 sheetlet of 2 sets MNH [DMR12/36-37]
19.40 €
Russian occupation of Moldova 2012 Transnistria DMR PMR Football EURO 2012 strip of 4 stamps mint [DMR12/36-37]
9.95 €
Russian occupation of Moldova Transnistria DMR PMR 2012 Football EURO 2012 Set of 2 blocks of 2 stamps and 6 labels each MNH [DMR12/36-37 S]
19.60 €
DMR. 220th anniversary of Tiraspol. Memorials of Transnistria. Set 10 strips/2st [DMR12/38-44Azn]
30.40 €
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