Special offers

Finland Russia 2022 Europa CEPT Myths & Legends Kalevala Sadko Peterspost joint set of 10 stamps MNH [PP22/CEPT]
49.90 €

Latvia Lettland 1991 Definitives overprints on USSR stamps Michel # 313-316 set of 4 stamps MNH [LV91/USSR]
1.00 €

Russia 2017 Definitives Castles and fortress of Russia 2nd issue Peterspost set of 8 stamps in sheetlet MNH [PP17/CF2S]
3.00 €

Russia Russland Russie 2015 Definitives Views of Moscow Architecture Peterspost Set of 6 stamps MNH [PP15/16-21]
7.00 €

Russian occupation of Moldova (Transnistria DMR PMR) 1999 Fishes of Dnister set of 6 stamps MNH [DMR99/Fishes]
3.00 €

Russia 2021 Andrey Sakharov Nobel prize physicist human rights activist Peterspost block MNH [RU21/Saharov]
6.00 €

Estonia 1993 Valentine's Day Friendship Joint issue with Finland. Sheetlet of 6 stamps in booklet MNH [EE93/2 bk]
3.00 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 1993 Valentine's Day Friendship Joint issue Estonia - Finland color proof block RARE [EE93/2]
50.00 €