Special offers

Estonia 1993 Valentine's Day Friendship Joint issue with Finland. Sheetlet of 6 stamps in booklet MNH [EE93/2 bk]
3.00 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 1993 Valentine's Day Friendship Joint issue Estonia - Finland color proof block RARE [EE93/2]
50.00 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 1993 Hihg Face Value Definitives Coat of Arms set of 3 stamps MNH [EE93/14]
4.00 €

Belorussia Belarus 2011 50 years the first manned flight into space stamp joint issue of many countries MNH [BY11/8]
1.00 €

Russian occupation of Georgia Abkhasia Abhasia 1993 FirSt stamps definitives birds map Michel # 1-4A set of 4 stamps MNH [ABH93/First]
5.00 €

Russia 2012 World Hockey Championships Perfect gold for Russian team Sheetlet with overprint MNH [RU12/54 S]
20.00 €

Russia and Finland 2018 Year of Dog Chinese New Year Peterspost Full complete of stamps and sheetlets MNH [PP18/D]
68.00 €

Aland Islands Åland Finland 2001 WWF Siberian eider Polysticta stelleri booklet of 2 sets MNH [AL01/WWF]
5.00 €

Russia 2017 100th anniversary of the abdication of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II from the throne Peterspost Stamp MNH [PP17/STAMPEX 1]
1.00 €

Ukraine 2002 Rare fauna of the seas joint with Kazakhstan VERY RARE fragment of printing sheet with labels MNH [UA02/KZ]
100.00 €

Russia Russland Russie 2015 Europa CEPT Old toys limited edition booklet with 4 stamps (2 tet-beshes) MNH [RU15/1 bk]
14.50 €

Russia 2010 “Russia is hosting the 2018 FIFA World Cup” overprint of a text in Russian and English on a sheetlet Green booklet First edition (!) [RU10/victory]
290.00 €

Lithuania Litauen Lituanie 2023 Pope John Paul II's visit to Lithuania 30 ann BeePost super full set FDC's [LT23/Pope]
60.00 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2023 Alvar Aalto architect designer 125 ann USA Germany Italy Iceland BeePost full set of 2 block's and sheetlet MNH [FI23/Aalto]
50.00 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 1995-2002 Christmas official charity stamps super full set of 8 sheetlets MNH [EE94/Xmas]
50.00 €

Estonia 1993 Unique Final Day Cover "Bye-bye ruble!" FDC last day of circulation of stamps denominated in rubles [EE93/Ruplaa]
250.00 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 1993 First Estonian Stamps 75 ann Philatelic Exhibition "Mare Balticum'93" full set of 2 Blocks and stamp MNH [EE93/16]
5.00 €

Russia Russie Russland 2012 Olympic Games in London limited edition block with overprint MNH [RU12/London ovpr]
9.00 €

Lithuania Litauen Lituanie 1996 - 2006 Europa CEPT full 17 sheetlets set CTO VF condition [LT9606/E]
99.00 €

Lithuania Litauen Lituanie 1996 - 2006 Fauna Red book full 16 sheetlets set CTO VF condition [LT9606/Fauna]
99.00 €

Ukraine 2014 Landmarks and artifacts of ancient cultures Archeology joint issue with Pakistan block MNH [UA14/Pakistan]
1.00 €

Russia Russland Russie 2011 Gagarin 50 years the first manned flight into space block MNH [RU11/7S]
1.00 €